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Job Searching

Monster.com - Find the job that's right for you. Use Monster's resources to create a killer resume, search for jobs, prepare for interviews, and launch your career.

Ways of Searching for a Job - Searching for a job in today's technologically advanced environment provides job seekers many tools to find work. But technology has its disadvantages, causing people to substitute electronic resume submission for pavement pounding and handshakes. While the Internet is a powerful job search tool, it is only one of many.

Workkforce50.com - Jobs for older workers, resources for mid-life career change.

Create a Job

Small Business Association - SBA is dedicated to helping you and your small business succeed.

Start Your Own Business - From insurance to accounting to taxes, here's what you need to do to start a business. NOLO Law for All

WikiHow to Start a Business - Running your own business is a rewarding but engaging career and life choice.