OWL Café |
Stay Smart
Recall that we used to be interested in the latest fashion. Now we become interested in the latest apps to remain in the know, learn something important to you, and study again.
Research shows that your mind is expanding, not getting lost, you only have to remember what you want now! Intelligence goes up as we age, getting wiser means letting NEW thoughts into your head and adventures into your soul.
Learn computer skills online or advance them with Lynda.com
At usOWLs.com we will continually offer brain games to keep you sharp, the latest training for seniors on computers, and the SIMPLIST applications for you to use. You can connect with us to find online, in-your-home learning opportunities that can expand your mind and outlook.
If you are seeking an advanced degree or a degree you could not afford earlier, let us help you find one that fits your wallet and connects you to learning opportunities or group learning sessions.
Armchair travel, the best video travel logs, and wonderful speakers on serious topics you have always wanted to know about are online and affordable.
Games for the Brain - Play never ending quiz, memory & brain games to train your thinking.
Lumiosity - Improve memory and attention with scientific brain games. Play games and train your brain to boost overall mental power and performance.
lynda.com - Software training & tutorial video library. Our online courses help you learn critical skills. Free access & previews on hundreds of tutorials.
Develop Good Habits - 18 Habits to Become Smarter & Improve Your Intelligence