OWLCafé | Wellness


Guide to Asbestos in the Home - Many veterans may be unaware that they are exposed to asbestos in older homes.

Veteran's Guide to Digital Jobs - For returning service members, transitioning back to civilian life may be tough. One of the first priorities is finding a new job.

The Complete Homebuying Guide for Veterans - If you’re a veteran and searching for a new home, you’ve come to the right place. The process of buying a home is unique for veterans, especially those looking to take out a VA loan.

Best Jobs for Returning Service Members - Translating Military Skills into a Civilian World

How Does Veteran Housing Assistance Work with Apartments - After their hard work and sacrifice while serving the U.S., veterans return home in need of housing and assistance to re-enter into civilian life once again. There are different veteran housing assistance programs to help them find affordable permanent housing.

11 Best Veterans Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers - Many veterans struggle with drug and alcohol abuse in the U.S., especially those who suffer with PTSD. Treatment programs which address both substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders are the most effective form of treatment available for veterans.

The Relationship Between Alcohol and PTSD - Addiction to alcohol and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) are a tragically common pairing, especially among veterans.

SBA - Fund Your Own Business - We support America's small businesses. The SBA connects entrepreneurs with lenders and funding to help them plan, start and grow their business.

Veterans and Substance Abuse - There are many treatment options for veterans who are struggling with a drug or alcohol dependency. Among the most common are counseling, medication, and finding comfort in a support group of individuals who share or had similar experiences and obstacles.

The Ultimate Guide to VA Loans and Benefits - Take advantage of all the compensation and financial assistance available to you as a veteran. This guide will help you understand what you might be missing out on!

Veterans Benefits for Seniors

Service Members’ Legal Rights While on Active Duty

Guide to Financial Assistance for Military Families

Sesame Street for Military Families

Operation American Dream: A Guide to Buying and Keeping Your Home in the Military

Accredited Online Colleges - We want to do our part by helping you to navigate the sea of options and opportunities available to you as a veteran while attending online colleges.

VA Home Loan Centers - Apply for a VA home loan today from the VA Home Loan Center. We are the leading provider of VA loans & VA Refinances. Get your loan started today!

eBenefits.org - eBenefits is a portal; a central location for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access, and, in time, manage their benefits and personal information.

Veterans History Project - Collecting documents such as letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and home movies, of America's war veterans and those who served in support of them during World War I, World War II, and the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf wars.

My HealtheVet - The gateway to veteran health benefits and services. It provides access to trusted health information,links to Federal and VA benefits and resources,the Personal Health Journal,online VA prescription refill.

Military.com - Access FREE information about your service to our nation and use your military benefits

Veterans' Reference Desk - A comprehensive source of linked-sites and documents relating to veterans and those serving in the military.

Veterans Advantage - Browse veteran’s benefits such as federal and state benefits and special membership discounts and deals in travel and entertainment, home and office, health and wellness, gifts and shopping and business and financial service.